TG EAPCET counselling code: GLWC


The Principal of GLEC, is the Chairperson of IQAC and supported by a Co-Ordinator rank professor from one of the GLEC departments. The IQAC Committee includes all stakeholders of the Institute, i.e. students, alumni, all Department and Section Heads also including the Library, Sports, Students Hostel, Examination & Evaluation, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities, members of the Management and Administration, and members of local community and industry experts.

The following members have been nominated as the IQAC Members for the Academic Year 2024-25 with immediate effect.

S.No. Name Position in the Current Engagements Position in the Academic Council
1 Dr. A. Sai Hanuman Principal Chairman
Head of Departments
2 Dr. Padmalaya Nayak Professor & Head of CSE & IT Member
Senior Faculty
3 Dr. K V S Raju      Registrar GLEC, Hyderabad Member
4 Dr. J. Kishore Babu Professor & Head of H&S Member
5 Dr. K. Deepthi Varma Professor, Chemistry Dept. Member
6 Dr. M. Rekharani Professor, Physics Dept. Member
7 Mrs. Archana Mullapudi Assistant Professor, CSE Department Member
Faculty member nominated by the Principal
8 Mr. P. Gopi Krishna Assistant Professor, H&S Department Member


  • The primary aim of IQAC is to develop a system for conscious, consistent and catalytic action to improve the academic and administrative performance of the institution.
  • Periodic assessment of benchmarks for all courses and programmes.
  • Instant internal quality checks for improvement of academic quality
  • Identification of strong, medium and low pace performers and providing suitable academic attachments and assignments.
  • Strive towards holistic quality of both students and faculty.
  • Turnaround strategies for resource mobilization for R&D, consultancy and extension activities
  • Enhance collaborative learning skills among stakeholders.


  • Direct & Indirect Assessment & Evaluation of benchmarks for various courses/subjects
  • Direct & Indirect Attainment of benchmarks for various courses/subjects
  • Assessment and Attainment of Course Outcomes and Programme Outcomes
  • Facilitating enhancement of participatory teaching learning process using ICT
  • Develop Metrics and Evaluation for stakeholder’s feedback, Analysis & Measures
  • Promulgation & Pronouncement of institutional quality standards/parameters amongst stakeholders.
  • Organize workshops, seminars, conferences, symposiums, and development programmes for both faculty and students.
  • Encourage student and faculty participation in workshops, seminars, conferences, symposiums, and development programmes.
  • Documentation of impact of various programmes attended and organized both by the student and faculty members leading to quality improvement;
  • Encourage & involve both students and faculty members in Industry-Institute-Interaction programmes.
  • Encourage & involve both students and faculty in professional development and association activities.
  • Development of Quality Culture among stakeholder of the institution;
  • Prepare Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR) & upload in website.


  • Ensuring timely, efficient and progressive performance of academic, administrative and financial tasks
  • Optimization and integration of modern methods of teaching and learning
  • Ensuring the credibility of evaluation procedures
  • Ensuring the adequacy, maintenance and functioning of the support structure and services
  • Establish the relevance of academic quality to augment R&D activities
  • Provide access to various cost-effective academic programmes to all sections of society
  • Use of modern methods of teaching and learning
  • Develop suitable rubrics to attain and assess academic quality
  • Deploy resources for strong support to infra-structure and technical-services
  • Focus on resource mobilization for consultancy.


IQAC will facilitate / contribute:

  • Ensure heightened level of clarity and focus in institutional functioning towards quality enhancement
  • Ensure internalization of the quality culture.
  • Ensure enhancement and coordination among various activities of the institution and institutionalize all good practices.
  • Provide a sound basis for decision-making to improve institutional functioning.
  • Act as a dynamic system for quality changes in HEIs.
  • Build an organized methodology of documentation and internal communication.