TG EAPCET counselling code: GLWC

Academic Leadership

The following members have been nominated as the Academic Leadership Members for the Academic Year 2024-25

Powers and Functions of the Academic Leadership:

  1. To exercise general supervision over the academic work of the institute, to give directions regarding method(s) of instruction, evaluation, research and improvements in academic standards.
  2. To recommend to the Governing Body the proposals of institution for new programs of study.
  3. To recommend to the Governing Body, institution of scholarships, studentships, fellowships, prizes and medals, and to frame regulations for the award of the same.
  4. To advise the Governing Body on suggestion(s) pertaining to academic affairs made by it.

To perform such other functions as may be assigned by the Governing Body.

S.No Name Position in the Current Engagements Position in the Academic Leadership
1 Dr A Sai Hanuman Principal Chairman
2 Dr Padmalaya Nayak HOD (CSE) Member
3 Dr J Kishore Babu HOD (H&S) Member
4 Dr K Deepthi Varma Incharge Exam Branch Member
5 Mr P Gopi Krishna Controller of Examinations Member
6 Mr K Srinivasa Rao Incharge Infrastructure Member
7 Mrs Ch Mani Pushpa Incharge Training & Placement Member